Monday, January 08, 2007

Cut your losses!

Cancelled the ad today. Man that was a bad investment. I've run it for a while and got only a few clicks early on. After that it was just throwing money away. And I really hate doing that. So I finally cancelled the ad. Pointless really.

Instead what I did was buy a MSGTAG Plus version. Really nifty little tool and I've totally enjoyed it. Since it was on Christmas sale, i got a license for the same price that I was putting on the ad. So while the ad wont run for Jan-Feb, I'll still have spent the same amount of money. This time,however, I think it's money well spent.

That's all the update for now. More later as and when it happens :-D


Anonymous said...

hey dude...what is the domain u talking abt?

Neo2000 said...

I havent mentioned any domain anywhere in this post :-?