Thursday, May 22, 2008

Money also does flow in!!

Between the 13th and 21st, I've had 7orders(technically 9 but 2 are distant shipping so they have to pay twice) and i made 1 refund because the customer didn't respond to repeated mails. Actually, the mails kept bouncing so I preferred to do the refund.

Good feeling though to have so many orders coming in even though suddenly, it looks like i'm not going to be able to meet them all in time. I've placed the order for things i need to fulfill the order but I dont know when I'm going to get them. And that is a bit worrying.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Business is up!

Awesome to be able to say that!! With the new season about to swing into full flow, i'm suddenly making quite a few sales. 3 are done and 3 more are expected! All in a span of 4days!!

Compared to last year where i did 2 in 6months if not longer. And plenty of international orders too! Let's just hope I can make some profit on the international orders. I did try and work out a tie-up with another company but haven't heard from them since.

Fingers crossed!

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Do you know what you want?

Struggling with the vast amounts of data in a particular area, i chanced upon the idea of using a CMS to aggregate it in a useful way. However, deciding on what I want to offer my end user and whether it will be really useful to them is something I am still trying to figure out.

In other words, I haven't written down what i want. I only have an idea in my head and i'm already out trying to implement it, exploring options on how to make it better and derive some benefit as well as invite users. Cue Deja-vu.

Really gotta work on this impulse of rushing into things before figuring out what i really want to do.