Wednesday, May 02, 2007

A look back

over the past 3months since I quit my job. Wow! When I though about writing this post I wanted to do it exactly 3months, thinking 5th. I just realised that 2nd was the day I quit my previous job so it all works out well.

So, the past 3months have been interesting. It was fun in the beginning. I got to attend seminars, bataao gyaan and talk to students abt GD/PIs and CAT. I guess after having given the CAT 3 times I am reasonably qualified so I enjoyed the process. Since the Boss Man was busy with his other venture, I got sent to the Ameerpet center where I am to this day. My responsibility there was simple-- take classes, counsel students and generally lend a helping hand.

That was 2months ago. Now I am beginning to tire of it all. Its getting boring. I havent been paid properly even once since i started work so that's on my mind too. Its the same old routine--Get up, go to the center, stay till closing time come back home. If there's a class, prep for it and take it. The annoying thing is that sometimes I get Monday morning class while there have been times when I've got early morning class Saturday to Monday!! I am now Center InCharge but that's not a big thing. As usual, there's no one at the center to handle stuff so I get the position. Funny na, even at Exaband i was becoming Team Lead because there was nobody else. If this is how I am going to get all my promotions in life, I am going to be one sad little boy in life :-p

The heat as usual is bad. The only saving grace is that unlike last year, where I was all alone, this year atleast Ronnie's in town. So every once in a while I get to catch a movie. Which is, I assure you, a whole lot better than last year :-D

Mom is putting pressure that I should seriously think abt leaving this. I had a cushier job at Exaband. Paid well too. I would have been getting 42 there compared to the 24 I am making now. Sundays AND Saturdays were off. The only way i console myself is by knowing that if we were to start what we are actually supposed to start, then its going to be worth it.

The Question is--When are we actually going to Start?


Anonymous said...

Would you yell if I said that I agree with your mom? But then you know, the only thing that stops me from saying it is that I know you have a lot of hopes pinned on this one and I pray that your dream comes true. :-)
Besides, there is another thing that I know will not happen if you go back to old job, something related to a purring animal :P

Anonymous said...

Just curious about Exaband, Is that company still there? I tried to access thier website, its not working. What happend to that company? Is it merged to some other company or name changed? Please update if you know any details...


Neo2000 said...

Unfortunately, the company closed down. I can put you in touch with the former CEO if you are really interested. Leave me your e-mail id in the comments.