Wednesday, March 01, 2006


Why do people blog? I always thought Blogging was kinda egoistic(or is it egotistic--i forget which is the correct word). I mean, I know that some blogs are downright hilarious, for e.g. Sidin's blog, but the rest? What made them think that total strangers would be interested in reading their blog?

Why should you be reading even this in the first place? Apart from wasting atleast 2 mins of your time, what purpose does it serve? And what do you gain from it?

So why am I blogging? Show-Off obviously!!! Well, also the fact that I promised myself I would start a blog when I made my first sale.


Like I said--Ego. Leaving my marks for posterity. Someday when I become really famous somebody's gonna discover this blog and then you'll get a peek into my life from the time it started to get exciting!

Or perhaps I'll cringe at how idioticly naive I was. And Arrogant. And stupid.

Oh, and the count is now 2 sales!! :-)

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