Sunday, August 26, 2007


I'm in the middle of my GMAT prep, my job isnt going exactly the way I want it to and I'm wondering what I can do to improve my candidature, make money and i start to toss ideas around in my head. And then it hits me!! I stick to what I'm good at-- Teaching! and i do something that revolves around that. So after a little searching i figure out what I can do.

The problem is that i can get pretty obsessive with an idea. I'll think about only that to the exclusion of everything else. I've spent the last coupla days obsessing over it. I think i should be ready by next year. I've spoken to one who could have been a prospective client. She thinks its a good idea. Spoke to a coupla other people. One person asked me to focus on the GMAT. The other is neutral.

As of now, i still think its possible. It would be awesome if I could pull off something like this!! Then again, the timing is all off. I have GMAT in a few weeks time and i really need to be studying for it.

Fingers crossed!

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