Thursday, March 23, 2006


That's the one thing I am slowly learning from this venture. I need to have Patience. I sit and answer kids questions for free day after day, week after week, month after month.
Things will not happen overnight that I know. Yet I've also learnt that just because things are happening very slowly doesnt mean they wont happen at all. My first sale was a year AFTER I started doing this. I made 3 sales in a rush and nothing after that! Luck? I hope not.

Its taken me a year,three and a half grand and God alone knows how many hours to make a grand. A grand!!! That's all. And the best part is I still havent gotten that grand for the simple reason that my Payment Vendor says and I quote

"Due to the total balance being under 35, this amount will be carried-over and paid to you on the next payment cycle, if you have any questions regarding this, please contact your account manager."

My balance is $23.16.

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